Recruiters Den

Organizational enquiry and analysis
Recruiters Den connects highly skilled candidates with employers in temporary and permanent
positions, for a variety of fields including accounting, finance, technology and office support jobs.
Whether you're looking for your next career opportunity or looking to hire new talent, our recruitment
services can help you.
Outline Project Plan and Timeline
Recruiters Den will meet with the client at the outset of the project to finalize the recruitment plans and
timeline. At this time, Recruiters Den will also request that the client provide additional information
about the community, organization, and position. Information requested will include general
information and available resources about the community, schools location, economic vitality, political
leadership, organization, strategic plan, governing body goals and objectives, budget information,
major projects, job description, salary range, benefits package, etc.
Individual Interviews with Search Team and Key Personnel (if desired)
Fully understanding your organizational needs is the most critical part of conducting a successful
executive recruitment. Recruiters Den conducts individual interviews with the Search Committee, key
staff, and/or direct reports to find out more about the position, special considerations, and the political
environment. These interviews last approximately 30 minutes to one hour each and identify individual
issues that may affect the dynamics of the recruitment, as well as develop a composite understanding
of the organization’s preferences. This process helps with organizational buy-in and will assist us in
developing the Position Profile as we look for any significant staff issues or major disconnects that may
not otherwise be apparent.

Advertising and Recruitment
The Advertising and Recruitment stage includes ad placement, email distribution of the Position Profile, responding to inquiries about the position, and ongoing communication with applicants and prospects.
Recruiters Den and client work together, to determine the best ways to advertise and recruit for the position. Ads are typically placed in various state and national publications, targeting the most effective venues for reaching qualified candidates for that particular position.
Our preferred strategy is to rely on social media and email distribution of the Position Profile brochure to key opinion leaders and potential prospects across the country. By utilizing an email distribution
strategy, these brochures tend to “get legs” of their own, resulting in a very high penetration rate at minimal cost.
We will utilize Facebook, Twitter, personal phone calls, personal emails, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest to promote the position. This communication is both to solicit high potential candidates and
to encourage key professionals to share information within their professional circles.
Recruiters Den communicates with all applicants on a frequent and ongoing basis to ensure applicants stay enthusiastic about the opportunity. Outstanding prospects often will not submit a resume until they have done considerable homework on the available position. A significant number of inquiries
will be made, and it is essential that our team is prepared to answer those questions with fast, accurate, and complete information, and in a warm and personal manner. This is one of the first places a prospective candidate will develop an impression about your organization, and it is an area in which
Recruiters Den excels.

Initial Screening and Review
This stage of our recruitment involves managing the flow of resumes, and screening and evaluating
Handling the flow of resumes is an ongoing and significant process. On the front end, it involves tracking resumes and promptly acknowledging their receipt. It also involves timely and personal responses to any questions or inquiries.
Recruiters Den uses a priority process to identify high probability, medium probability, and low probability candidates. The priority ranking is focused on overall assessment based on interaction with
the applicant, qualifications, any known issues regarding previous work experience, and evaluation of cultural fit with the organization.
In contrast with the priority process described above, which focuses on subjective assessment of the
resumes and how the candidates present themselves, we also evaluate each candidate to make sure that the minimum requirements of the position are met, and which of the preferred requirements are met.
This sifting process assesses how well candidates’ applications fulfil the recruitment criteria outlined in
the Position Profile.
At this briefing, Recruiters Den will provide a comprehensive progress report via PowerPoint presentation and will facilitate the selection of approximately 3-5 potential candidates. The presentation will include summary information on the process so far, the candidate pool overall, and any trends or issues that have arisen, as well as a briefing on each candidate and their credentials. No other firm offers this level of reporting detail and transparency.
Recruiters Den has comprehensive staff training courses and learning management system that can be deployed for your organization.
For more information, check

Country Office:
3F3 Third Floor,
Threshold Business Suite,
Plot 976 Obasanjo Way Wuye district,
Abuja, Nigeria.